Saturday, July 11, 2009

Inspiration walls

I don't normally post on the weekend, but I was a bad blogger and missed yesterday. My apologies for that. It's a lazy Saturday today. The wind is blowing so hard outside, threatening the city of rain soon. It reminds me of the start of winter in Southern California and makes me want to curl up in sweats and watch movies all day.  

What is everyone doing the rest of this weekend? I'm visiting Coney Island tomorrow. I'm so excited to go on some classic roller coasters and to witness the famous Coney Island freak show. I'm hoping all the fun amusement park sights will get my creative juices flowing more. I've been feeling rather uninspired lately. I know it will pass, but it's times like this that I wish I had a nice big inspiration wall to look at for motivation.

I love these inspiration walls, especially the huge collage one by Diane Bergeron. Be sure to check out her Web site where you can view this piece in greater detail. If you had an inspiration wall would it be more free flowing like Diane's or more organized like the one by dottieangel?

P.S. Little baby Joshua was born last night! I officially have two nephews now. Welcome to the world, little guy!


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